Sunday, May 10, 2009


(Held on 5-10-2008)

1. In a certain code JUST is writtenas #@%$ and LATE is written as©t$*. How is TASTE written inthat code ?
(A) *t%$* (B) $T%$* (C) $T%*$ (D) $%f%* (E) None of these
2. Four of the following five arealike in a certain way and so forma group. Which is the one thatdoes not belong to the group ?(A) 25 (B) 64
(C) 189 (D) 225
(E) 121
3. How many meaningful Englishwords can be formed from theletters 'AIPR' using each letteronly once ?
(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three
4. How many such pairs of lettersare there in the word DOMESTIC,each of which has as many lettersbetween them in the word as theyhave in the English alphabet ?
(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three
5. How many such digits are therein the number 7346285, which areas far away from the beginningof the number, as they will bewhen arranged in ascendingorder within the number ?
(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three
6. Four of the following five arealike in a certain way and soform a group. Which is theone that does not belong to thegroup ?
(A) Boy (B) Girl
(C) Lady (D) Man (E) Child
7. If Blue is called Green, Green iscalled Orange, Orange is calledYellow, Yellow is called Black,Black is called Red and Red iscalled White. What is the colourof turmeric ?
(A) Orange (B) Green (C) White (D) Black (E) None of these
8. If it is possible to make only onemeaningful word from the first,the third, the fifth and theeleventh letters of the wordINHERITANCE using each letteronly once, second letter of thatword is your answer. If morethan one such word can beformed your answer is X, if nosuch word can be formed youranswer is Y.
(A) E (B) I
(C) R (D) X
(E) Y
9. Four of the following five arealike in a certain way and soform a group. Which is the onethat does not belong to thegroup ?
(A) CE (B) KI
(C) FD (D) WU
(E) MK
10. Nandini is the only daughter of Madan's sister Sangita's brother. How is Nandini related to Madan ?
(A) Daughter
(B) Niece
(C) Cousin
(D) Niece or Daughter
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 11-17) These questions are based on the following letter/number/ symbol arrangement. Study it carefully and answer the questions.
J t RU4*VD
11. How many such symbols arethere in the above arrangement,each of which is immediatelypreceded by a number and alsoimmediately followed by avowel ?
(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three
12. Which element is fifth to theright of thirteenth from the rightend ?
(A) E (B) t
(C) J (D) K
(E) None of these
13. What will come in place of thequestion mark (?) in the followingseries based on the abovearrangement ?
T # 6, 7 K $, L 3 %, ?
(A) @2A (B) A@2
(C) P2@ D) 2P@
(E) None of these
14. Which element is third to the leftof tenth from the left end ?
(A) K (B) 3
(C) P (D) $
(E) None of these
15. How many such letters are therein the given arrangement each ofwhich is immediately precededby a symbol but not immediatelyfollowed by a number ?
(A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three
16. Four of the following five arealike in a certain way based ontheir positions in the givenarrangement and so form agroup. Which is the one that doesnot belong to the group ?
(A) KL$ (B) P23
(C) 2J@ (D) L3I
(E) 4D*
17. If all the numbers are removedfrom the given arrangementwhich element will be ninth fromthe left end ?
(A) % (B) L
(C) P (D) I
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 18-25) In each question below are four statements followed by two conclusions num­bered I and II. You have to take the four given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the four state­ments disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer:
(A) If only conclusion I follows
(B) If only conclusion II follows
(C) If either I or II follows
(D) If neither I nor II follows
(E) If both I and II follow
18. Statements:
Some Schools are Colleges. Some Colleges are Universities. All Universities are Institutes. All Institutes are Classes. Conclusions:
I. Some Colleges are Classes.
II. All Universities are Classes.
19. Statements:
Some umbrellas are raincoats. All raincoats are shirts. No shirt is a blazer. Some blazers are suits. Conclusions:
I. Some shirts are umbrellas.
II. Some suits are raincoats.
20. Statements:
Some computers are boards. Some boards are chalks. All chalks are bulbs. No bulb is tube-light. Conclusions:
I. Some bulbs are computers.
II. No chalk is a tubelight.
21. Statements:
All doors are floors. Some floors are tiles. All tiles are paints. Some paints are stones. Conclusions:
I. Some floors are paints
II. Some doors are tiles.
22. Statements:
Some leaves are petals. Some petals are flowers. All flowers are fruits. Some fruits are nuts. Conclusions:
I. Some nuts are flowers.
II. No nut is flower.
23. Statements:
All pictures are paintings. All paintings are photographs. Some photographs are designs. Some designs are movies. Conclusions:
I. Some paintings are designs.
II. Some photographs are movies.
24. Statements:
Some tablets are capsules. All capsules are syrups. Some syrups are medicines. All medicines are powders. Conclusions:
I. Some syrups are powders.
II. Some syrups are tablets.
25. Statements:
Some rooms are flats. All flats are buildings. Some buildings are bunglows. All bunglows are apartments. Conclusions:
I. Some flats are bunglows.
II. Some apartments are build­ings.
Directions—(Q. 26-30) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
Ashwini, Priya, Sudha, Rani, Meeta, Geeta and Mukta are sitting around a circle facing the centre. Ashwini is third to the left of Mukta and to the immediate right of Rani. Priya is second to the left of Geeta who is not an immediate neighbour of Meeta.
26. Who is the immediate right ofPriya ?
(A) Meeta
(B) Sudha
(C) Mukta
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
27. Who is second to the left ofRani?
(A) Ashwini (B) Meeta (C) Priya (D) Sudha (E) None of these
28. Which of the following pairs ofpersons has the first personsitting to the immediate left ofsecond person ?
(A) Rani-Meeta
(B) Ashwini-Geeta
(C) Sudha-Priya
(D) Geeta-Sudha
(E) None of these
29. Which of the following groupshas the first person sitting bet-ween the other two ?
(A) Meeta-Ashwini-Geeta
(B) Sudha-Rani-Geeta
(C) Mukta-Priya-Rani
(D) Mukta-Priya-Sudha
(E) None of these
30. Which of the following in thecorrect position of Rani withrespect to Mukta ?
(I) Third to the right
(II) Third to the left(IE) Fourth to the left(IV) Fourth to the right
(A) (I) only
(B) (II) only
(C) Both (I) and (II)
(D) Both (II) and (IV)
(E) Both (I) and (II)
Directions—(Q. 31-37) In each of these questions a group of letters is given followed by four combinations of digits and symbols lettered (A), (B), (C) and (D). The letters are to be coded by the digits/symbols as per the scheme and conditions given below. Serial letter of the combination that correctly represents the letter group is your answer. If none of the combinations is correct your answer is (E) i.e. 'None of these.'
39% $24*615 #@78 Conditions:
(i) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant both are to be coded as the code for vowel.
(ii) If the first as well as the lastletter is a consonant both are tobe coded as ©.
(iii) If the first letter is a consonantand the last letter is a voweltheir codes are to be swapped.
(A) 63$%58 (B) 63$%56 (C) 83$%58 (D) 83$%56 (E) None of these
(A) #1@72$ (B) $L@72# (C) #1@72# (D) $1@72$ (E) None of these
(A) *37#9@ (B) @37#9@ (C) *37#9* (D) @37#9* (E) None of these
(A) %15#27 (B) ©15#2© (C) %15#2% (D) 715#2% (E) None of these
(A) $1#2%$ (B) 81#2%8 (C) 81 #2%$ (D) $1%3#8 (E) None of these
(A) 4@3$2*
(B) *@3$24
(C) *@3$2*
(D) ©@3$2©
(E) None of these
(A) 135*9% (B) %35*9% (C) ©35*9© (D) 135*91 (E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 38-42) The symbol @, #, $, % and © are used with different meanings as follows—
'A @ B' means 'A is smaller than
'A # B' means 'A is not smaller than B'.
'A $ B' means 'A is neither smaller than nor greater than B'.
'A % B' means 'A is greater than
'A © B' means 'A is not greater than B'.
In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true. Give answer:
(A) If only conclusion I is true.
(B) If only conclusion II is true.
(C) If either conclusion I or con­clusion II is true.
(D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true.
(E) If both conclusions I and IIare true.
38. Statements:
F#H, H% K, K$R, R©M Conclusions : I. F % R II. F # M
39. Statements:
L @ D, D © P, P # V, V % G Conclusions : I. P % L II. G@P
40. Statements:
E%W, W © Q, Q $ T, T@H Conclusions : I. H # W II. H#E
41. Statements:
J©T, T@H, H%I, I$L Conclusions : I. L © H II. J © I
42. Statements:
R @ Q, Q % P, P©V, V#M Conclusions : I. R @ P II. R#P
Directions—(Q. 43-45) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
'P x Q' means 'P is wife of Q'. 'P Q' means 'P is father of Q'. 'P + Q' means 'P is son of Q'. 'P - Q' means 'P is sister of Q'.
43. In H + I L, how is L related toH?
(A) Brother
(B) Sister
(C) Cousin
(D) Brother or Sister
(E) None of these
44. Which of the following represents'S is mother of T' ?
(A) SxM-H-T
(B) SxM + H-T
(C) MxSh-H-T
(D) MxS-H + T
(E) None of these
45. In J - F + R x B, how is R relatedto J?
(A) Father
(B) Mother
(C) Paternal Aunt
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
Directions—(Q. 46-50) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions.
A, B, C, D, E, F & G are members of a sports club and have liking for different games viz. Carrom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Bridge, Hockey, Football and Lawn Tennis but not necessary in the same order. Each one of them has a liking for different musical instrument viz. Sitar, Guitar, Harmonium, Flute, Tabla, Banjo and Santoor not necessarily in the same order.
B likes Carrom and Banjo. E likes to play Bridge but not Harmonium or Tabla. The one who plays Hockey plays Sitar. F plays Guitar but not Table Tennis or Lawn Tennis. A plays Badminton an Flute. The one who plays Lawn Tennis does not play Tabla. C plays Harmonium and G plays Hockey.
46. Who plays Santoor ?
(A) D
(B) A (Q E
(D) DorE
(E) None of these
47. D plays which game ?
(A) Table Tennis
(B) Lawn Tennis
(C) Foot Ball
(D) Cannot be determined
(E) None of these
48. Which of the following combina-tions of game-person-musicalinstrument is definitely correct ?
(A) Badminton - B - Flute
(B) Table Tennis - E - Santoor
(C) Lawn Tennis - D - Tabla
(D) Table Tennis - C - Tabla
(E) None of these
49. Who plays football ?
(A) C
(B) D (Q G
(D) F
(E) None of these
class with 69% marks. She has also completed a certificate course in Computer Science with 'A' grade. Her date of birth is 23.9.1984.
57. Anubhav Gokhale, is a B.Sc. with Computer Science passed in second class with 58% marks. He had passed HSC in first class with 76% marks. He has com­pleted 25 years of age in December 2007.
58. Manish Chaudhary passed HSC examination in first class with 83% marks and B.Com. in second class with 57% marks. He has completed a computer certificate course very recently. His date of birth is 26.4.1982.
59. Harish Vora passed HSC exami­nation in 2003 with 85% marks and B.Sc. Degree examination in 2006 with 69% marks. He has studied Computer Science as one of the subjects at B.Sc. His date of birth is 17.9.84.
60. Vandana Bhave is B. Com. graduate passed in second class with 56% marks. She had passed HSC in second class with 59% marks. She has also completed a Computer diploma with 56% marks. Her date of birth is 11.5.1982.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
50. Who plays Table Tennis ?
Cannot be determined None of these
Directions—(Q. 51-60) Following are the criteria for selection of officers in an organization. The candidate must— (i) Have passed HSC examination
in first class with at least 60%
Have passed graduation degree in any discipline with at least 55% marks, (iii) Have completed a certificate / diploma / degree course in Computer Science. Be not less than 21 years and not more than 30 years of age as on 1.7.2008.
If a candidate satisfies all the above mentioned criteria except—
(a) At (ii) above but is a post­graduate, case may be referred to the Executive Director (ED).
(b) At (iii) above but has studied Computer Science as one of subjects of curriculum, case may be referred to the Vice President (VP).
In each of the questions below, information of one candidate is given. You have to take one of the following five decisions based on the informa­tion provided and the criteria and conditions given above. You are not to assume anything other than the information provided in each ques­tion. All these cases are given to you as on 01.07.2008. You have to indicate your decision by marking answers to each question as follows. Mark answer:
(B) (C)
(A) If the case is to be referred to ED.
If the case is to be referred to VP.
If the candidate is to be selected.
(D) If the information is inade-quate to take a decision.
(E) If the candidate is not to beselected.
51. Ashutosh, is a Commerce graduate passed in first class with 67% marks. He had secured
73% marks in HSC. He has studied Computer Science as one of the subjects at HSC. His date of birth is 22.9.1982.
52. Rajni has passed BMS degree examination in second class with 58% marks and HSC in first class with 65% marks. She has com­pleted a diploma in Computer Science. She has completed 25 years of age in November 2007.
53. Raj Grover has passed HSC exam in first class with 89% marks. Thereafter he did a 6 months certificate course in Computer Science and presently is pur­suing final year of engineering degree examination. His date of birth is 28.12.1980.
54. Shamika Gupta is a Science graduate passed in 2006 with 47% at the age of 22 years. She had scored 64% marks in HSC. She has also passed M.Sc. with 58% marks. She has done a certificate course in computers.
55. Jasmine is a postgraduate in Computer Science passed in first class with 62% marks. She had scored 81% marks in HSC. Her date of birth is 17.6.1979.
56. 'Shyamala is a B.A. passed in first class with 63% marks. She had passed HSC examination in first


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